The story of food goes way back in time, way before we had grocery stores. At first, people were like explorers, searching for berries, nuts, and hunting animals to eat.They would look for anything in nature just to solve their hunger. Then, they discovered a way to cook raw things using a fire! This discovery changed everything. It made food taste better and easier to eat. As people started settling down and forming villages, they figured out how to grow their own food. Planting seeds and watching them turn into the vegetables we eat was very satisfying back then. Ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians and Greeks, were like food pioneers. They traded spices and recipes, mixing different flavors. During the Middle Ages, folks in Europe loved big feasts. Then during the Renaissance, and people got serious about making food taste fancy. Food became even more diverse when explorers sailed across oceans, bringing new foods to different places. Today, our meals tell a story of where we've been and how we all share this tasty adventure in food!

Some civilizations that impacted food are:

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Egypt
  3. The Indus valley
  4. China
Civilization Impacts on Food
Mesopotamia Found barley & Created bread from it's own flour
Egypt Grew staple crops just like Mesopotamia & impacted modern-day Middle-Eastern cuisine
The Inuds Valley The Indus Valley's land was known for it's feritility which led to an abundance of spices
China Known for spreading the growth of famous millets, wheats, and grains, such as rice